Basic Concepts

Pipeline Design

Pyper follows the functional paradigm, which by design maximizes the modularity and composability of data flows. This pattern takes effect in the usage API on two levels:

  • Python functions are the building blocks used to create Pipeline objects
  • Pipeline objects can themselves be thought of as functions

For example, to create a simple pipeline, we can wrap a function in the task decorator:

from pyper import task

def len_strings(x: str, y: str) -> int:
    return len(x) + len(y)

This defines len_strings as a pipeline consisting of a single task. It takes the parameters (x: str, y: str) and generates int outputs from an output queue:


Key Concepts

  • A pipeline is a functional reprentation of data-flow (Pyper API)
  • A task represents a single functional operation within a pipeline (user defined)
  • Under the hood, tasks pass data along via workers and queues (Pyper internal)

Pipelines are composable components; to create a pipeline which runs multiple tasks, we can ‘pipe’ pipelines together using the | operator:

import time
from pyper import task

def len_strings(x: str, y: str) -> int:
    return len(x) + len(y)

def sleep(data: int) -> int:
    return data

def calculate(data: int) -> bool:
    return data % 2 == 0

pipeline = len_strings | sleep | calculate

This defines pipeline as a series of tasks, taking the parameters (x: str, y: str) and generating bool outputs:


We can think of this pipeline as one function.

The internal behaviour handles, intuitively, taking the outputs of each task and passing them as inputs to the next, where tasks communicate with each other via queue-based data structures. Running a task with multiple workers is the key mechanism underpinning how concurrency and parallelism are achieved.

Next Steps

In the next few sections, we’ll go over some more details on pipeline usage. Skip ahead to see: